We would love to help your family prepare to give thanks to God for the life of your child, and to receive His blessing.  Christians believe that God is real and that we must turn to Him in a relationship of trust. Jesus is the face of God to whom we turn.

What is Baptism?  Baptism is the rite of inclusion into the life of the church, which is the gathered people of God.  When Jesus completed His earthly ministry, just before He ascended to heaven, He told us to;

‘Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.’  (Matthew 28:18)

Who can be Baptised?  People who trust in Jesus as Saviour and Lord, and who have developed a healthy relationship with Him.  In the Anglican church, we consider that small children are enfolded in the faith of their family and so we are happy to baptise the children of believing and church-attending parents.  At a later time, when they grow to maturity, baptised children can reaffirm their own commitment in a public service called ‘confirmation’.

What preparations do you need to make?  Baptism is the highest and most important ceremony of the church.  It is freely available to anyone who asks for it, but a wholehearted and genuine engagement with the occasion needs careful preparation.  Firstly, you need to be sure that we are the right church for you, so we ask you to join our Sunday services for at least a month before proceeding.  Secondly, so that you can be sure that you understand the implications of baptism, please watch a simple video on YouTube about Baptism, called ’First Steps’ (follow this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPn6yVxwhNk).  Finally, we will meet with you and the Godparents to go through the service and to do some preparation (see a Baptism Course outline here).

What is in the Service?  A baptism service is for the whole church, because promises are made both by you, and by the church to support you.  After recalling why we place our trust in Jesus, we dedicate the child by pouring water on their head.  Normally, baptism services are offered on the third Sunday of a month.

What Promises and Commitments do you make?  These promises should not be made lightly.  You affirm that you turn to Christ and that you accept the responsibility of bringing up your child in the faith, practice and community of the church.

Fees There is no fee for Baptism.

Parents may wish to make a Thank-offering to the following account: Account name: St Stephen’s Anglican Church    BSB: 633 000 Account Number: 140 334 277

If you would like to know more about having your child baptised we would love to speak with you. Please use the Contact page on this website to request more information.